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Law of the Sea

Law of the Sea

John Noyes: Law of the Sea

John Noyes, Roger J. Traynor Professor of Law at California Western School of Law, has been on the California Western faculty since 1982. Professor Noyes publishes in the areas of the law of the sea and international dispute settlement. He speaks widely about such topics as sea piracy, oceans resources, and problems facing the Arctic. Professor Noyes has over 80 publications to his credit, including articles and review essays in the American Journal of International Law, the Yale Journal of International Law, the Virginia Journal of International Law, and the Netherlands International Law Review.

Professor Noyes’s books include Cases and Materials on the Law of the Sea (Transnational Publishers, 2004) (with Louis B. Sohn), Law of the Sea in a Nutshell (West, 2d ed. 2010) (with Louis B. Sohn, Kristen Juras, and Erik Franckx), Cases and Materials in International Law (West, 4th ed. 2011) (with Mark W. Janis), and The United Nations at 50: Proposals for Improving Its Effectiveness (ABA, 1997). Innovative work such as International Law Stories (Foundation Press, 2007) (with Laura A. Dickinson and Mark W. Janis) helps to bring international law and its importance to life.

Law of the Sea

Professor Noyes has taught international law courses as a visiting professor at the University of Connecticut School of Law, Wake Forest University School of Law, Roger Williams University School of Law, Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand), and the University of San Diego's Institute on International and Comparative Law (Oxford and Paris programs). During the spring of 2005 he was a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Suffolk University Law School in Boston.

Professor Noyes is active in several international law organizations. He is the immediate past President and currently Chair of the Executive Committee of the American Branch of the International Law Association. He serves as a member of the Executive Council of the London-based International Law Association, and has worked with the American Society of International Law and numerous committees of the International Law Association and other organizations. He has been an officer in the International Law Section of the Association of American Law Schools and the American Bar Association’s Section of International Law. Noyes is a member of the State Bar of Connecticut, where he practiced law before entering academia.

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