Since 2004, California Western School of Law has built a joint international educational post-graduate program with leading law schools around the world, including the Universidad de Chile Escuela de Derecho, Heidelberg Center for Latin America, and the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public and International Law. This program has been executed in Chile (2004-2007), Paraguay (2007-2008), Mexico (2009), Argentina (2011), and Bolivia (2011). Faculty members Thomas Barton, Rita Barnett, Justin Brooks, Timothy Casey, Susan Channick, Scott Ehrlich, Floralynn Einesman, Marilyn Ireland, Laura Padilla, Jackie Slotkin, Hon. James Stiven (ret.), Roberta Thyfault, Mark Weinstein, and Michael Yu have all participated as instructors in this program. Many community members from California Western School of Law have also participated: Ken Greenman of the Board of Directors, Rana Sampson of the Council of Visitors, the Honorable Louisa Porter of U.S. District Court (ret) for the Southern District of California, and The Honorable James Milliken (ret.) have all taught in Chile. Additionally, a new program with the Catholic University of Argentina (Paraná) is being developed for March 2013.